Monday, November 26, 2012

Sunday walk with trout in the background

This sunday i took a river trip with my fiancee Natalia. Czarna Przemsza is a small river with Przeczyce dam reservoir. In the dam reservoir I fish a lot for zander and pike. This time we went to fish for rainbow trout (season is closed for brown trout) in the river just below the dam.

We had only 2 - 3 hours in the middle of the day and we choose to flysfishing instead of spinning.

It was weekend so there was a lot of fishermens since morning and trout were frightened and not easy to catch. We lost one fish just before landing (~17in rainbow) and had a few delicate bites.

At the end Natalia caught nice brown trout thet we released immidiately. It was a nice quite warm day just before winter.

It seems that next weekend will be snowy and frosty...

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