Sunday, December 10, 2017

How to make a good fishing photo?

Fishing is all about those magical moments when we forget about the whole world. Unique feelings after catching a big fish we hunted for months or beautiful sunsets with a rod in your hand in the favorite spot. For me those moments last forever. I remember a big carp I caught in the middle of the night in the full moon light 10 years ago. 

The best way to preserve those memories is to make a photo. Sounds easy - today everyone has a good camera in the mobile phone and we make dozens of photos every time we see something interesting. Unfortunately it is not that easy to make a GOOD photo. I'm sure most of you can tell that there is the difference between his photo and photos we can find i.e. in fishing magazines.  For me it is a big challenge to make a decent photo hen you have only few seconds if you want to release your catch in a good health. Im not a top expert in this matter but I wanted to share with you some of my observations. If you have something to add in this matter please leave a comment.

photo of a fishing boast

Most important thing that makes a great photo is its ability to convey emotions. One way of achieving this is tightening the shot. Focusing on one element prevents viewer from distraction and emphasizes one particular scene or moment.

photo of perch caught in winter

 Next important thing is taking a photo of an angler with his trophy. This simple shot can be very tricky. First of all NEVER take a photo of a dead fish. Instead of good emotions your photo will show nothing but sadness, a nice scene with the death in the background... Fish should be alive with lot of colors in a bright light with no grass, dirt or blood on it. Angler should smile and h should hold a fish in the way that allows to hide his hands and fingers as much as possible.

spinning for asp in Odra river

fsihing photo of zander

Another great way to take a photo of an angler with his trophy is to take a shot of some action - like landing or releasing the fish.  Photo like this will look a frame from a movie. It will be natural and full of emotions.

ice fishing prech

Personally I lake to take a landscape photo the view of my favorite fishery in different seasons, time of the day and weather reminds me of all moments I spent fishing alone or with my friends. Some of them were printed and now they are hanging on my wall. 

fishing dusk
River spinning in PolandFishing for zander

Sunset fishing in the riverCzorsztyn Lake fishing sunrise

My photos aren't perfect, but I'm really happy with them. If there is something I don't like about them I try to correct it. Although photography as well as fishing is a field where you will never achieve perfection... and that is the most addictive in it.  


  1. That looks so fun. I have never been fishing to Poland. But would love to try Wędkarstwo muchowe in Poland :D

    Nice blog!

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    More details!
