Friday, March 18, 2011

Carp Fishing in Poland - My case study

As most of you know I prefer spinning, casting and sometimes flyfishing, but a few times every year i fish for carp and amur (grass carp). First successes came 2 years ago...

It was may and i was spinning for pike with my friend using waders in shallow (3ft - 4ft) parts of lake. We cought a few of them (20in - 35in). after few hours we found nice spot. It was a small bay - 4ft deep and with thin mule layer with small shallowing to 3ft with sand on the bottom. Wright next to this shallowing was end of bay and begining of deep part of lake with a lot of mule.

We decided that it is great place to find carp. Next day we brought there big buckets of cooked corn with hemp and agrimony and of course about 4lb of self made protein boiles plus some carp pellet. We did the same thing 3 more times in 2 day inervals.

After a week of regular putting there groundbait we came for the first time with rods and started to fish an 5PM with putting groundbait again.

In this night there was only one carp - 10LB. It was a good sign and we could keep on fishing and luring.

We came back 2 days later at 3PM. Of course we started with a ground bait and then we start to fish. At 11PM my friend Adam had the first bite but we did not land this fish. At 1AM in the middle of night on there was a delicate bite on my rod. I thought it is a small fish because I felt no resist. When i had it near to the shore we saw (using torch) huge grass carp. Adam saw it better and he rated it for about 30lb - 35lb. The fight started! After 10 - 15 minuts (i had a 30lb monofinament) we put this fish to a landing net, but it was still strong and tore a hole in net, broke the line and gone away...

I was mad and angry so i couldn't sleep... At 7AM I had next bite. This time we land beautiful almost 30lb grass carp and until 3PM we had 7 carps between 9lb and 14lb. It was fantastic day.

We have been fishing in this spot a few times more and every time we caught some carps and grass carps. Never came home with nothing.

Since this summer I like carp fishing a lot, but it isn't better than spinning and casting. Idon't have special carp equipment. I use my sea trout and danube salmon rods and reels :)
Now it is:

1) Shimano Nexave 3,3m 20-50g with Tic GD 4059
2) Shimano technium 2,7m 50-100g with Shimano SUper GT-RB 4000

I used to have other rods and reels, but i am still buying new equipment :)

Ready for bite!!

Any questions? Ask with a comment!


  1. Exellent post Jarek. Those are some beautiful carp. You should try catching them with a fly rod!

  2. I would love to, but i don't know how to do this:)

  3. Hi Jarek,
    They are very nice carp, Hope to catch a few on the fly this season,
    Thanks for joining my Blog, I will put a link to your Blog on mine so my readers and followers can visit you also,

  4. Great fish Jarek...
    My best carp came from the Kawkawlin River in Michigan, USA. A 32 pound beauty caught on a night-crawer.
    Great pictures, hope to see more.

  5. Hi Jarek,
    I have been reading through your Blog, And seeing the Pike Zander Salmon Trout and so on, But as i am a lure nut, the Pictures of all your Lures and Jerk baits, A great collection,

  6. Hi Paddy!
    Thanks! I will do the same with your link!
    I will put here soon - maybe tomorow next post with lure photos. Which do you prefer? Trout or zander? :)

    Hi Raz!
    32 pound is realy nice Carp! Try with protein boiles. Self made are the best! :)

  7. I like both but as we dont have any Zander in this part of the UK i think i will go for them haha, Are you Fishing through the Ice,

  8. Zander it is! :)
    Occasionally if fish through the ice, but it is once or twice a year. I prefere trout fishing in winter :)
