Thursday, April 7, 2011

Brown Trout & Rainbow Trout Spining Lures

Fishing for brown trout and rainbow trout

is very popular in Poland. Today i would like to show you my selection of spinning lures for trout. In Poland trout are present as well in mountain streams and rivers (like Dunajec and San) as in small lowland streams. Everywhere people use a bit different lures, but this difference isn't very big. I distinguished 3 main groups of these lures:

  • crankbaits
  • jigs
  • spoons and spinners


First group of crankbaits - used in bigger streams and mainly in winter and spring are quite big lures - 2,5in - 3in (Salmo Hornet 5, Salmo Minnow 7, Rapala Original 7, BigBait Caster, Góral, Kenart)

Second group of crankbaits - smaller and very versatile (between 1,5in and 2,5in). You can use this lures everywhere and everytime. This lures in my box are: Salmo Hornet 4, BigBait Flyer, Salmo Bullhead, Rapala Original 5, YoZuri Ace Minnow, Jaxon Ferox 4.

Third Group - smallest crankbaits (1in - 1,5in), used mainly in summer and in smaller streams: Salmo Horner 2,5, Salmo Hornet 3, and my FAVOURITE TROUT LURES - Góral - in many different color choices. Best small lures i have ever had!


Sometimes - mainly in wintervery effective are small jigs - as well plastic jigs as marabou and "kogut". I don't like to use them for trout, but sometimes I have to if I want to hook something :)


Spinners are good lures mainly in summer, when trout feed on bugs. Spoons are always good, but they are better for brown trouts than for rainbows.

It is worth to try! :)


  1. It has become clear to me Jarek, that you are a tackle "junkie". You have an impressive variety of lures and apparently you know how to use them!

  2. Once again, nice selection of "stuff" as I like to call it for catching trout. I like to use spinners and crankbaits, too!

  3. Jarek,

    A lot of the Polish anglers in England, kill and eat the trout they catch. It's become a bit of a problem, as we are very much into c&r over here. What's the policy in Poland regarding the taking of fish?

    I think ultra light spinning is great fun for all fish.


  4. Hi!
    I really like to bun new lures. I'm still searching internet auctions :)

    In Poland it is a serious problem too. Lot of people don't even think about c&r. But it is still going in good direction. We have fishing forums with ONLY C&R on mind. Young people are more educated and release their catches. As I do! Law allows to take some fish but there are strong regulations for size and amount. And they are getting still stronger.

  5. Hi Jarek i think i am a bit of a tackle tart as well mate, I have buckets of lures and spinners, Just love to use them on the bigger waters, Great fun,

  6. Czesc Jarek, znakomity blog,gratulacje.
    Szukam bloggerow chcacych pisac guest posts na mojej stronie.Szczegoly znajdziesz tutaj
    Jesli bedziesz zainteresowany, skontaktuj sie ze mna.

  7. Wow, you got a pretty nice selection of artificial lures, Jarek. I don't have not nearly that many but that results out of I just like fishing with live bait the best.
    Anyway, another nice post you published here.
    Take Care and Tight Lines

  8. Looks like a smorgasbord of trout fishing treats. I love the Rapala Countdowns for Browns and Rainbows as well.

    Thanks for the great post,


  9. Are you catch and release? If so, help the fish by not sticking your fingers in its gills.

  10. No właśnie Panie Jarku, skoro stosuje Pan C&R proszę pamiętać, że należy z wielką ostrożnością uważać na skrzela. Są one bardzo narażone na wszelkiego rodzaju urazy mechaniczne. Pokrywy skrzelowe trzeba trzymać zawsze zamknięte. Pozdrawiam

  11. Panie Bartku, teraz już to wiem i inaczej obchodzę się z rybkami. W Polsce niestety C&R nie jest na tyle popularne i młodemu wędkarzowi nie tak łatwo zdobyć wiedzę o tym jak obchodzić się z rybkami. Mogę zapewnić, że teraz już jestem o wiele ostrożniejszy, a i rybka o wiele szybciej wraca do wody niż kiedyś. Nawet kosztem zdjęcia w upalne dni.
    Pozdrawiam i dziękuję z odwiedzenie mojego bloga.

  12. Jarek,
    Great article, I know I am reading it a little late. How can someone in the US get Goral crankbaits? Looked all over and cannot find a source, thank you in advance for any feeback.

    D Hill
