Friday, June 10, 2011

Good fishing day with Natalia

Good fishing day with my girlfriend Natalia

Today we went to try float fishing in a new pond. It is not so far from us and it is a private fishery. We started fishing at about 2PM in a silent, overgrown corner (bay) of the pond. I put some groundbait with canned corn into the water. As hook bait we have been using maggot and corn.

Natalia caught first fishes - at about 5 nie rudds (between 8 and 10in). We have seen lot of nice fishes jumping all over the pond.

Once there was very big carp (maybe 15 - 20lb) swimming among our floats. I was trying to catch something bigger, but I wasn't this lucky one today:) Some small perches - it was all for me:) Finally we had one nice bite, but we couldn't land this fish.

After that Natalia caught 3 beautiful crucians with the biggest last one - our new RECORD - 16in and over 2lb big, fat crucian!! BRAVO!!!!

During fishing we had a little picnic also. It was great day. At the end of the day I tried some spinning for pike, but I only lost my ripper tail because of some shilly-shally pike:)

All fishes are still alive! C&R as always!!!

Can't wait to repeat this!


  1. Jarek & Natalia, Athough you caught some great fishes and i really like the crusian thats a whopper, But its being together having a picknick and enjoying the day, Thats what fishing is all about,
    Well done to both of you,

  2. I liked the picture you look great in that.The light captured in that picture looks aesome.
